Conscience based Business Governance

Conscience based Business Governance

By: Mr. Deepak Gupta - 13th June, 2019

In the modern world, business entities are the driving force of any economy and these entities have to continuously balance the interests of its various stakeholders including customers, investors, employees, suppliers, community and regulators.

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Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - An overview

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act - An overview

By: Mr. Shashank Mundle - 12th June, 2019

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act [FATCA] is a 2010 United States Federal law to enforce the requirement of US persons including those living outside the US to file annual reports (Foreign Bank Account Report or FBAR) on their non-US financial accounts to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCen).

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Recent Blogs

44AD & 44ADA

By: Sakina Bohra

26th August, 2021

Audit of Society

By: Priyanka Jain

24th February, 2021

E-WAY Bill

By: Diptika Jadhav

1st February, 2021


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